In our travel documentary series New Mexico True Television, host Michael Newman explores our state and the incredible experiences the Land of Enchantment provides for those with a curious and adventurous spirit.
Check out the New Mexico True TV website.
Albuquerque/Santa Fe
Las Cruces/El Paso
Las Cruces PBS
ALBUQUERQUE/Santa Fe: Sundays 8:30am KOB TV 4
EL PASO, TX/LAS CRUCES: Saturdays 8:30am KFOX
LUBBOCK, TX: Sundays 10am KMYL
New Mexico True Television sponsored in part by the New Mexico Tourism Department and produced by Cliff Dweller Digital, features “site doing” throughout New Mexico, from traditional tourist destinations to hidden treasures. It’s a favorite and “must see” weekly show for highly mobile, adventurous, culture-seeking travelers including families who like to explore the State of New Mexico.
Grow your visibility, brand and bottom line with this affordable and effective program!
Sunday mornings at
Albuquerque/Santa Fe
As a company that ROCKS New Mexico?
Who Rocks New Mexico showcases the best of New Mexico in its half-hour show airing at 8:00 AM Sunday mornings on KOB 4. Who Rocks New Mexico gives your company the opportunity to be featured as one of the TOP companies in your category. Your company’s story will be seen by thousands of potential new customers every week!
Introduce your ROCKIN Company to New Mexico today!!
3791 Southern Blvd. SE, Suite 101
Albuquerque, NM, USA 87124
(505) 891-7400
Located in the Greater Albuquerque area, our CliffDweller Digital office and studio house a great staff of experts. Since opening our doors in 2002, CliffDweller Digital has grown to be